Who doesn't love a good book?!

...if reading isn't for you, this blog post probably won't be your cup of tea. Or maybe it'll inspire you to pick up a new reading hobby? Who knows! 

All I know is that I get asked all the time (seriously, I am not lying about this lol) about my favorite reads. So I figured this week I would compile my top 10 favorite books EVER. From thrillers to romance, to everything in between, let's do the dang  thing.

Eek! I get excited just thinking about books. 

Does this make me a nerd? If so, I kind of am totally okay with it.

P.S. This may be a good time to name drop my Morga-Read-A's Book Club group. If you are a looking for a group of kick-ass, like-minded, book-lovin' humans... throw me a request and I will add you in! Every two weeks, I lead a live discussion in this Facebook group and we all grab snacks, wine and spill plot lines... NOT DRINKS ;)

Seriously, I love this group so much. They are the only reason my screen time is 10 hours a day, and not 12-15 hours (wish I was kidding, y'all).

Now for the fun part...


1. The Silent Patient by Alex Michaelides

Starting off with an absolute BANGER. Hands down my favorite of all time. Talk about a "WTF" plot twist you did not see coming.

2. Verity by Colleen Hoover

Colleen Hoover is an absolute mastermind, truly. This book is dark, twisted and I still don't know what I think about Verity?! I love books that keep me wondering.

3. It Ends With Us by Colleen Hoover

I read this in like, 48 hours. Enough said. It's not my typical "thriller" type, but holy moly. It's amazing. Get ready to feel alllll the feels!

4. Then She Was Gone by Lisa Jewell 

Another one that leaves you going "OMG I DID NOT SEE THAT COMING" - Can you tell those are my favorite types of books?

5. The Perfect Marriage by Jeneva Rose

This was another one I read in the span of a couple days. It was so good and again... the ending left my rather SHOOK. (You'll notice this is a major theme in my book choices lol).

6. The Last Mrs. Parrish by Liv Constantine

This one takes a little bit to get into, but I promise... just keep reading. I have never hated a character more than the one in this book. WHEW! I am heated just thinking about it.

7. Me Before You by Jojo Moyes 

This was the first book I ever read that made me full on SOB. It was such an amazing, lovey-dovey, and touching story. (P.S. The book is better than the movie).

8. The Girl On The Train by Paula Hawkins

An OG classic and another one that is SO MUCH BETTER in book form rather than on a screen. This was one of the first books that really got me into reading!

9. The Tattooist of Auschwitz by Heather Morris

This one is a bit different than your typical thriller or romance novel, but get your tissues ready. IT IS AMAZING! Such a unique and heart warming, yet devastating story.

10. Eat Pray FML by Gabrielle Stone

This book got me through one of the toughest times of my life. Seriously, if you know anything about my story (listen to the FML Talk podcast, lol) you know how much this books means to me. If you are going through a breakup or dealing with heartache OR you just want to laugh along with Gabrielle's crazy story... pick up this book and take a read. You will most definitely learn an important thing or two about standing up for yourself and knowing what you deserve! #GirlPower


I hope this list helps you decide on your next book pick. Remember... READING CAN BE FUN. Especially if you pick one of these 10! Now... what am I going to add next to my list of favs? Hmmmm. If you have any suggestions, make sure to post them in the book club Facebook group!

Okay, now I am logging off to go lose brain cells and watch The Bachelor Women Tell All. Woohoo! 

Until next time... 





Amy said:

Love your book recommendations!!

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