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Hey, I am so happy you are here! This blog is your one-stop-shop to for all things fitness, fashion, travel & lifestyle from social media influencer, Morgan Willett. Hope you enjoy moving through this crazy thing called LIFE with me… Happy reading!

Lake Tahoe: Travel Recap & Ski Fashion

Lake Tahoe: Travel Recap & Ski Fashion

Hi friends! 

I know what you are thinking... "Aren't you tired yet?" 

And the answer to that is... Yes, yes I am. But I am having so much fun traveling, exploring new places and trying new things! I can sleep when I'm dead, right?

In this blog post, I am giving you guys the scoop on where you NEED to stay in Lake Tahoe. If you follow me on the 'gram, you know I had never been to Tahoe (ever) and I fell in loooooove when I went to visit. I mean, the mountains and a beautiful lake? COME ON. It was like heaven for my little ski bunny self.

According to the internet strangers in my DM's, I have to go back to check out Lake Tahoe in the summer (you better believe I am), but for now let's talk about Tahoe during ski season! (Click to read more)

New York City: Weekend Recap

New York City: Weekend Recap

She is back from the concrete (and very snowy) jungle!

Since this is my “yes” year and my goal is to be more spontaneous and just LIVE LIFE… I decided to visit a friend in New York City and spend 3 days there. Why not, am I right?

I also decided to go during a massive snow storm *cue my anxiety* but it ended up being BEAUTIFUL and quite the experience. Although, I think my fingers and toes are still frozen. (Click to Read More)

Therapy… Let’s Talk About it?

Therapy… Let’s Talk About it?

This is going to be one of those blog posts when I just talk candidly and openly. We love that, right? I’m currently sitting on an airplane and I figured I would kill some time and you know… be productive instead of mindlessly scrolling Instagram. When I was thinking about what exactly I wanted to share with you all, my mind went a couple places: travel hacks? Fitness tips? My favorite vacations? But then this nagging voice in the back of my head whispered *therapyyyyyyy* (Click to Read More)

The Best Air Fryer Salmon Recipe EVER.

The Best Air Fryer Salmon Recipe EVER.

Where are my air fryer lovers at?

Look, I am all for cooking a homemade dinner and spending time trying new recipes and experimenting but… sometimes you really just need something QUICK. Hence why an air fryer can come in clutch on those nights when you are feeling lazy, but still want something healthy... (Click to Read More)

Life Changes... Now What?

Life Changes... Now What?

Hi friends. 

Morgan here. Right now I am sitting on my couch with a candle lit, laptop charged up, Shark Tank on the TV… and I am not going to lie, I am a bit stumped?

When I first came up with the concept of rebranding my website and including a lifestyle blog, I was so excited and I had SO many ideas... (Click to Read More)