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Hey, I am so happy you are here! This blog is your one-stop-shop to for all things fitness, fashion, travel & lifestyle from social media influencer, Morgan Willett. Hope you enjoy moving through this crazy thing called LIFE with me… Happy reading!

2022 & My 'Yes Year' Reflections

2022 & My 'Yes Year' Reflections


It's officially 2023.

How. On. Earth.

I think it's safe to say that many people look forward to the new year, especially those who had a particularly tough previous one. The first day of January represents so much more than a new number that you see on a calendar or a fresh new planner that you crack open.. It represents change, new beginnings, a fresh mindset and a chance to start over. For many, January 1st feels like a big sigh of relief. 

But for me...

January 1st feels like saying goodbye.

Sounds strange, I know. Stick with me here... there's a point to this blog post I swear. 


As many of you know, I decided that 2022 was going to be my “yes” year. (Click to read more).

Trust Your Gut, Girl.

Trust Your Gut, Girl.

Hello my beautiful humans... 

I am back.

This whole consistent writing schedule isn't really working out well for me, is it? And it doesn't help that I seem to be in a different state each week.. But hey, it's my yes year! YO to the LO.

But seriously, I did have an itch to write because it does calm my mind and it's an excellent way for me to escape and stop scrolling social media + wondering why Instagram seems to be going down the drain. *The damn algorithm*

A couple days ago, I asked my friends on social media (the irony) to shoot me some ideas of what they would want me to dig into and I got some great feedback. (Click to read more)